I would have liked to have been in the tomb when Jesus finally decided that enough was enough.
Silence. As silent as the Grave, they say.
Then Somebody took a deep, deep breath.
This no doubt was followed by a bit of grunting and groaning as He struggled to get those grave clothes loosened. (It’s hard to swing your legs over the side of a bench with your arms pinned to your side and your head all wrapped up.) Did He bend His head to the side and crack His neck? Did He stretch and pop His back? I wonder if He crinkled his nose at the overwhelming fragrance of misplaced potpourri; grinning as He realized that in His improved state it didn’t make Him sneeze with allergies like might have a few days earlier.

He took His time. There was no need to rush out - that cave held nothing that would ever give Him the heebie jeebies. It seems he was relaxed. He dutifully folded up the head wrappings, thinking of all the times His mom used to make Him help with the laundry. Mary would be so proud, He grinned to himself!
“You’ve got myrrh between your toes, Lord”, Gabriel quipped. Jesus glanced down and groomed Himself.
Good enough, He must have thought. I didn’t go through the last few days just to be worried about what I look like. So what if the ladies think I’m the gardener instead of the King. I am that I am, and a little holy toe jam won’t change that!
Have you ever found yourself in a time or place that seemed like a sealed grave? Close your eyes then, and be still. Inhale. Remember Jesus' first breath in the tomb. It could be you’re not alone after all!