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Monday, April 11, 2011

Holey Moley, and Other Things I Shouldn't Say

Holey moley. Apparently my blog post Cigars and Jesus smoked out some strong feelings. I appreciate all the comments made; sometimes they are more fun to read than the post itself!

Alas, life isn’t all about fun, and there was one comment that I feel the need to address. One reader, who will remain anonymous (because I have no idea who it was) asserted that my “provocative attitude is doing anything but building for unity in the church of God!” Ouch. Words like that would really sting if I thought they were true.

Here’s the thing: I’m all for unity. But I am fighting for a bigger, deeper, grittier unity than I currently see advertised in some church buildings. I am a profoundly flawed human being. I always have been. I’m not proud of that fact, but it’s the truth. Now, I know our soiled laundry doesn’t need to be made into a dirty little banner, but are we really so close to perfect that covering the holes of our togas with bigger and bigger fig leaves will tip the scales in our favor? If I need to buy into an idea of unity that says I have to part my hair on the side and fall in line before I get smacked with a King James, I’m going to have a lot of bruises.

Anonymous, do you want to hear me say it? Okay. I’ll say it.
I think Jesus IS coming again to judge us. Both of us.
I think He IS worthy of all glory. ‘Cuz He died for losers like me, and not a lot of gods have done that and lived to tell about it.
I think every knee WILL bow. And if I can portray Jesus in such a way as to guarantee that a dirty smoker or crack addict is kneeling in white garments right next to you, I’m going to laugh my freakin’ head off.


  1. You're a genius, friend, because you speak the truth that is near and dear to my heart, yet I fear the church isn't ready for it.

    I too subscribe to your belief of a deeper, grittier unity.

    We need to be naked, baring our sins before one another so we can truly share each others burdens and grow, both in our faith and in our relationship (with Christ, and others).

    I don't ever want to forget where I came from: It magnifies His glory.

    I will wave the flag that Jesus loves a scumbag like me. I don't understand it, never will, but I gladly accept!

  2. Thanks for your comments, Jared. Don't despair though- more of the church is tired of pretense than is apparent at first glance. Especially in your generation (I'm afraid I fall into an older catagory) those who follow Jesus as well as those interested in doing so don't seem to want to settle for righteousness that is only skin deep.

  3. Yes, yes, and yes.

    The beauty of it all is that I can't see smoking a cigar as sin! Dumb, yes, but then again, so is coffee, the Christian drug of choice. . .

    When Jesus comes to judge us all, I pray that he will judge me with more mercy, more grace -- therefore, I MUST show more mercy, more grace to my fellow humans. If we err, let's err on the side of mercy and grace, and very deliberately. Because at the end, "Every knee will bow, in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."

    One thing for both of you: remember that you are redeemed, bought with a price, and no longer a loser or scumbag. You are princes in the eternal Kingdom of the living God. That may be what we all were, but are no longer. . .

    Keep writing Bill. You have a clearer vision than most, methinks. . .

  4. Hi Bill,

    I'm sorry that you were on the receiving end of "friendly fire". We believers are far to adept at that - God forgive us. Jesus was full of "grace AND truth." His followers need to realize the importance of the "AND" in that statement - we seldom get the balance right.

    I was encouraged by your story. I was encouraged by the depth of friendship that you and Troy share. I was encouraged that a 3 hour drive (one way) was not a sufficient barrier to keep you apart that evening. And I was encouraged by the fact that God used this gesture of friendship to draw your attention back to Jesus in a time of discouragement. I was so encouraged by your story that I used it as a sermon illustration this past Sunday (Oops - It just dawned on me that I should have asked your permission first - Sorry). I did leave the cigar part out, not because I was ashamed that my brother-in-law was smoking, but because I didn't want it to be a distraction to the point of the story (Curious - I did include the detail of you drinking coffee...Hmm - double standard?). Apparently the cigar part was a distraction to some who read your blog.

    I guess I have an advantage here - I know you. I know your heart for Jesus. I know your desire for authenticity in your daily walk with Jesus. And...I love you. I'm so thankful to be part of your family.

    All of these momentary troubles, and criticisms, makes me look forward to the day when we will stand shoulder to shoulder and rejoice in the glorious, visible return of our Master. "Come Lord Jesus."

    In the meantime, to all the readers of this blog who love Jesus, DO NOT QUIT! (Luke 14:25-35).


  5. Dan: I'm glad to hear you were encouraged! And don't worry about the sermon illustration permission thing- I'll plagiarize you sometime for this blog, say YOU were smoking, and we'll call it even!

    And I'm assuming that when you said "do not quit", you weren't talking about smoking.

    I love you too, brother. Thanks for being so solid.

  6. That's Funny! I didn't even see that the "DO NOT QUIT" could be related back to the smokin' issue! No - that's not what I meant. I listened to a message recently on Luke 14:25-35 and the preachers main point was that there's a cost to discipleship and the Lord calls us to stay the course even when we're misunderstood by people. The reaction you got to your blog post reminded me of that.

    And go ahead - plagiarize away. I have smoked before - just not with my lips. The smoke is usually comin' out my ears cause I'm way over thinking something.

    Have a good day Bill.


  7. Happy Holy Week! Which I'm thinking should be renamed Happy Holy Moley Jesus Story Week or the Many and Varied Vigilant Celebrations of the Jesus Society Week! LOL!

    I so enjoy your blog! It's refreshing to find someone with an irreverent and enlightened viewpoint! I've recommended your blog to friends on Facebook! I also included a link in my blog!

    Thank you for making me laugh out loud! Sweet Smoking Jesus! God is great!

    Happy Holy Week and have a wonderfully blessed Easter.

  8. Miss Ella, thank you for the encouragement! I read your blog post and appreciate the link. You made me laugh too! (But how did you know I like to eat the bunny's head first?)


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