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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It Could Be You...

The following is taken from Do you value justice? Then please be informed, and be as supportive as you can.


An online campaign of solidarity for Paul and Zabeth Bayne. Their infant girl was injured by what they claimed was an accident in the home, a sibling falling on the infant. This was discounted in favour of a diagnosis of shaken baby. RCMP investigation concluded insufficient evidence for charges. Their three small children were removed by B.C.'s Ministry of Children in October 2007. MCFD has authority to act on suspicion. Paul and Zabeth have maintained their innocence from the start. They have lost home and possessions to cover legal costs. MCFD applied for a CCO to legally keep the children forever. The Baynes obtained medical opinions that disputed shaken baby. We await a Judge's ruling on February 28, 2011. Meanwhile, a fourth child, Josiah was born Feb 10th, 2011. MCFD took custody of him four hours after birth. This is the present status, 3.5 years after it began.